Sustainable Transportation Plan

The St. Lucie TPO continues to be at the forefront of planning for efficient and sustainable mobility services. Mobility strategies of all transportation modes, technology, land use and the economy will need to work in coordination to form a sustainable mobility network that will have low impact on the environment, and will include walking, cycling, transit, carpooling, car sharing, and low carbon footprint vehicles that are Automated, Connected, Electric and Shared-use (ACES).

The 2045 Smart Moves Long Range Transportation Plan (2021) called for the development of an ACES vehicle network along major highways that considers infrastructure improvements that more efficiently and sustainably use existing roadway capacity as an alternative for building more capacity. The TPO has also developed and updated in 2023 its Electric Vehicle Charging Station Plan. The purpose of this plan is to identify the location of public charging stations for electric vehicles that allow for rapid charging and to assess the need for additional stations.

The TPO now will continue to leverage and unify prior, current, and planned efforts to further develop the Smart Moves LRTP ACES plan by identifying the most immediately relevant infrastructure needs through the St. Lucie TPO Sustainable Transportation Plan.

Sustainable Transportation Plan