Reimagine Mobility 2050

Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Survey

The St. Lucie TPO is conducting the 2050 LRTP, a federally mandated plan to guide the St. Lucie TPO’s future transportation investments and policies over a 25-year horizon. As part of this study, The St. Lucie TPO seeks public input on transportation project priorities.

Please take a moment to take our survey.


What is a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)?

The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) 2050 describes how St. Lucie County’s multimodal transportation system will evolve over the next 25 years. The St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization (TP0) reviews and updates the transportation plan every five (5) years.

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Why is it important to do a long range plan?

  • Creates a vision for all modes of travel throughout the County
  • Engages residents and business owners to help shape the plan’s goals
  • Priortizes projects to be funded in the 5-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
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What types of projects are included in an LRTP?

  • Non-motorized networks: bicycle facilities, sidewalks, shared-use paths, and transit facilities
  • Major roadway improvements and new interchanges
  • Freight capacity projects such as roadway, railway, seaport, and airport facilities

What is the difference between a Needs Plan and Cost Feasible Plan?

The Needs Plan provides a summary of potentional transportation projects addressing gaps in the system and community needs.

The Cost Feasible Plan is a list of prioritized Needs Plan projects, which is impacted by anticipated funds throughout the 25-year planning range.


How can I provide input?
Throughout the development of the 2050 LRTP, there will be:
◦ Pop-up outreach events
◦ Focus groups
◦ Workshops
◦ Numerous committee meetings
An online survey on our website (currently active)