Smart Moves 2045

Febrary 3, 2021 Workshop Recording

SmartMoves December TPO Board Presentation


Virtual Workshop #3 Presentation


Virtual Workshop #3 Recording

Virtual Workshop #2 Presentation


Virtual Workshop #2 Recording

Virtual Workshop #1 Presentation


Virtual Workshop #1 Recording

What is a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)?
The St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) is required by federal law to review and update its transportation plan every five (5) years. The St. Lucie 2040 LRTP, referred to as Go2040, was adopted by the TPO Governing Board in February 2016. The TPO is currently developing the 2045 LRTP, referred to as SmartMoves 2045, which describes how St. Lucie TPO area’s multimodal transportation system will evolve over the next 25 years. Please take approximately 5 to 10 minutes to fill out the online survey, which will help the TPO to identify public priorities.

TPO Board Presentation, October 7, 2020


Presentation of the LRTP update at the August 2020 TPO Board Meeting


Presentation of the LRTP update at the June 2020 TPO Board Meeting


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Why is it important to do a long range plan?

  • Creates a vision, develops goals and objectives, identifies needs and financial resources, and provides a cost feasible plan for transportation.
  • Shapes the future of transportation investment in the County.
  • Sets the vision for transportation for all modes of travel throughout the County.
  • Ifluences projects included in the 5-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).

What types of projects are included in an LRTP?

  • Non-motorized facility networks (bicycle facilities, sidewalks, and shared-use paths).
  • Transit services and facilities.
  • Major roadway improvements and new interchanges.
  • Freight capacity projects (roadway, railways, seaport, and airport facilities).

What is the difference between a Needs Plan and Cost Feasible Plan?

  • The Needs Plan provides a summary of potential transportation projects that addresses gaps in the system and community needs.
  • The Cost Feasible Plan is a list of prioritized projects from the Needs Plan, which is impacted by anticipated funds throughout the 25-year planning range.

How can I provide input?

  • Throughout the development of the 2045 LRTP, there were numerous pop-up outreach events, focus groups, workshops, and TPO committee and Board meetings where the LRTP was discussed.
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